Parent and Professional Education

While we love working with individual clients, teaching parents and teachers broadens our impact so much more and we end up learning in the process as well.  There are several common models for adult support, but this is customizable, so contact us with your idea and we’ll figure it out!

Individual Parent Consultation
Confused by that thick neuropsych report?  Feeling like the strategies you are trying just aren’t working? Struggling with similar challenges as your child and needing support yourself?  With these questions, sometimes you just need to sit down with an expert and talk it all out. We offer parent consultations to address any number of topics. These can range from a one time meeting to weekly phone calls — regardless, the goal is to give you the opportunity to ask questions, get feedback, and bounce ideas off of someone that are specific to your life and needs.

Group Parent Education
There are few things more validating than sitting in a room of other parents who are all nodding their heads and sharing the same concerns that you have. Parent education classes are a great opportunity to learn some new strategies, become more educated around a particular topic, and hear from other parents that are in the same boat. These classes can happen in small groups in someone’s home, or for an entire school.
Common topics we speak on to parents are:

  • Executive Functioning: What it is and basic principles for support
  • Behavioral and Technological supports for Executive Functioning
  • Learning Disabilities: Sifting through the diagnostic codes
  • When to get tested and how
  • Homework: The Perfect Storm – how to get through it alive

Professional Development
CLASS has provided many types of professional development for teachers, educational therapists, resource specialists, and other educational professionals. In a school setting, it is often most powerful to pair professional development with a course for parents as well to create a common understanding and knowledge base across a school community. These talks and workshops are always tailored to the audience and will provide specific strategies that can appropriately be used in the setting at hand, such as a large classroom or on the playground.  From small group discussions to large format presentations, we will tailor the topics and approach to your specific population and environment.