
Hear from colleagues and clients of Customized Learning Solutions. If you have a testimonial you would like to share, send it our way!

“You have such a way of motivating Zach. We have no doubts that you will get him through this year and beyond. You can move with him to college, right?”
– John, Parent of a High School Senior


“Thank you, thank you for meeting with me yesterday.  I appreciated your time, sage advice, knowledge, and experience.  It feels wonderful to have someone in our court that understands Jamie’s special attributes.”
– Kathy, Parent of a 6th grader

Thank You!

“Shayla Whiteley is superb not only at identifying problems related to executive functioning in children and adolescents but also in recruiting the client and family into taking an active role in choosing among interventions that are pragmatic, appropriate, and sustainable.”   – Dr. Glen Elliott, Chief Psychiatrist and Medical Director, Children’s Health Council

Dr. Glen Elliott

Just listened to your masterclass presentation. It was excellent. Thank you! I will be looking for resources in NJ to help my son.” – Krystal, Listener to a Webinar on Executive Functioning

Loved Your Webinar!